MPsy Program Streams (PSY and PTH)

ADLER’s Master of Psychology (MPsy) degree prepares students for professional practice in the fields of psychology and psychotherapy. The MPsy degree provides students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to prepare them to offer psychological and psychotherapeutic services in a variety of diagnostic, therapeutic, and assessment settings. Students may choose to pursue one of two “streams” within the MPsy, depending on their professional interests:

Master of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (MPSY-PSY)

ADLER’s MPSY-PSY stream is designed to fulfil educational requirements for registration as a “Psychological Associate” with the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO). To fulfil these requirements, all courses in this stream are taught fully in person at the school’s premises in downtown Toronto. To become a Psychological Associate, students who have undergraduate preparation in psychology must successfully complete all requirements for the MPSY-PSY stream and then work full-time for four years under the supervision of a Psychologist or Psychological Associate before completing examinations and other requirements for CPO membership. The MPSY-PSY stream also meets entrance requirements for ADLER’s Doctor of Psychology degree. Depending on their practicum qualifications, MPSY-PSY graduates may register with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) at the “Qualifying” level either instead of becoming Psychological Associates or while they complete the additional years of supervision required for CPO membership.

Master of Psychology in Psychotherapy and Counselling (MPSY-PTH) 

ADLER’S MPSY-PTH stream is designed to fulfill educational requirements for registration as a “Registered Psychotherapist–Qualifying” with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) upon graduation. The MPSY-PTH  requires undergraduate-level psychology preparation, and the CRPO accepts online courses at the graduate level. The MPSY-PTH blends the convenience of online learning, which can be done anywhere with internet access, with the effectiveness of in-person demonstration and feedback during intense three-to-five-day residencies three times per year. Mentoring and guidance are provided by qualified professionals throughout the year, as all courses are synchronous, meaning the instructor and students are present together during all scheduled course hours.

Ready to apply? Please fill out a Declare Interest Form so we can direct you to the appropriate application form.

Need more information? We host monthly virtual information sessions for our Master of Psychology programs. 

Connect with one of our admissions advisors directly by email or by phone 416.923.4419.