The full AODA Policy Document is available in many formats, upon request. Please contact Student Services for a copy.
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is an important piece of legislation that required ADLER to thoughtfully develop, implement and uphold accessibility standards to support persons with disabilities in Ontario. ADLER is committed to providing a rich learning and working environment that respects individual’s dignity, independence, offers an integration of services and provides equal opportunity. This accessibility document articulates ADLER’s policies that support the applicable regulated areas under the AODA including:
- Customer Service Standard
- Information and Communications Standard
- Employment Standard
ADLER has introduced and will maintain a comprehensive training program on each of the above standards. All staff and faculty including any volunteers (aka ‘staff’) will complete the training requirements and a detailed record of this training will be maintained to ensure staff comply with the necessary training requirements as outlined in the legislative standards.
As a graduate professional school, it is critically important that we provide quality accessible services to our staff, faculty, students and the public. The Accessible Customer Service Standard under AODA is applicable to all organization in Ontario that provide goods and services directly to the public or other groups.
ADLER will meet the information and communication needs of people with disabilities by providing, upon request, information and communication materials in accessible formats and/or with communication supports. New information and communications produced by ADLER will be created and provided in ways that are accessible for people with disabilities.
The Ontario Human Rights Code requires all employers to meet the accommodation needs of employees with disabilities to the point of undue hardship. The Employment Standard, as part of AODA, builds on this requirement and is intended to help people with disabilities participate in the labour force and our economy. ADLER has integrated the Employment Standard into our standard recruitment processes and employment policies to make them more accessible. ADLER will meet the accommodation needs of staff, prospective staff and students with disabilities by providing, upon request, accommodations for disabilities.
ADLER has developed and embraced the Accessible Customer Service Policy, the Information and Communications Policy and the Employment Standard Policy to formalize our practices relating to the provision of accessible customer service and to provide guidance on how to interact with people with disabilities. ADLER’s goal is to provide quality customer service that clearly represent our values and mission while maintaining compliance with legislative requirements.
Service Animals and Support Persons
ALDER openly welcomes service animals and support persons to accompany staff, faculty and students requiring such supports while on the ADLER premises. Service animals and support persons are permitted anywhere staff, faculty or students normally have access. Support persons may include personal support workers, volunteers, family members or a friend. ADLER will not charge admissions fees for support persons who support a person with a disability. (Noted in the fees section of the Academic Calendar).
Feedback Process
In the spirit of continuous improvement, ADLER encourages feedback on delivery expectations specific to the provision customer services and customer service experiences. Upon request, ADLER will make available a Customer Service Feedback form (also available in an alternate form upon request). (doc. attached).
A link to ADLER’s complaint and feedback process is located:
- Online on the web site:
- Online surveys, polls, emails
- In print from the front desk, or upon request from
- By telephone by calling Student Services at 416-923-4419
- Other: ADLearn
Service Disruptions
Should ADLER become aware of a service disruption specific to the goods, services or ADLER facilities, ADLER will post notification of all service disruptions within a reasonable time in advance, where possible. ADLER will make notifications of service disruptions visible and accessible. Notices will explain why the service is not available, the anticipated duration of the service disruption and provide alternate facilities or services, as available (e.g. weather conditions requiring Class cancellations).
Notification of Service Disruptions will be posted:
- On the phone system and social media sites
- By email to all students, staff and faculty
- On our learning platform Moodle
Information and Communications Standard
ADLER will meet the information and communication needs of people with disabilities by providing, upon request, information and communication materials in accessible formats and/or with communication supports. New information and communications produced by ADLER will be created and provided in ways that are accessible for people with disabilities.
Accessible formats and communication supports
Upon request, ADLER will provide all our information and communications in an accessible manner and format to people with disabilities. Alternatives to standard print are often referred to as accessible formats, and ways to help communication between people are referred to as communication supports.
When a request is received by ADLER, ADLER will consult with the person directly to determine accessibility needs. ADLER has the flexibility to determine the most appropriate accessible format or communication support depending on the accessibility needs of the person and the capability of ADLER to deliver said formats or support. Accessible formats will be provided promptly and at a cost that is not more than the regular costs charged to other people. This will apply to information that ADLER does not control directly or indirectly through a contract. This does not apply to products and product labels or information or communications that cannot be converted or that are not provided by ADLER. Every attempt will however be made to accommodate where possible.
Educational and Training Resources and Materials
If a student notifies ADLER of an information and/or communication need due to a disability, ADLER will provide any materials we provide to students, be they learning resources or material, as well as student records and program information, in an accessible format that takes into account the student’s individual accessibility needs. ADLER will work with each individual student directly and discretely to understand and work to meet their individual accessibility needs.
ADLER will provide the student with an accessible or conversion-ready electronic format of any materials we provide to students, where available, or a comparable resource in an accessible or conversion-ready format if the resource cannot be obtained or converted into an accessible format.
Examples of accessible formats:
- reading written information to a person directly
- large print
- text transcripts of audio or visual information
- handwritten notes instead of spoken word
- information written in plain language
- an electronic document formatted to be accessible for use with a screen or e-reader technology (i.e. JAWS)
When it is not possible to convert requested material, ADLER will provide the individual making the request with the following:
- An explanation as to why the information or communications are unconvertible, and
- A summary of the information or communications piece
Upon request, ADLER will make available a Request for Accommodation form in alternate formats to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities for alternate formats of class materials, resource materials, ADLER communication materials, classroom seating, etc.
ADLER Resource Library
Where possible, ADLER will seek to make available to all students alternate formats for resource materials available in the ADLER on-site library and course textbooks. This includes accessible or conversion-ready format of print, digital, or multimedia resources or materials, on request. ADLER will seek to provide accessible formats for print-based resources or materials, on request.
Workplace Emergency Response Information
ADLER will provide individualized workplace emergency response information to staff and students with disabilities if the disability makes it necessary, and ADLER is made aware of the need. With the staff member or student’s consent, ADLER will share the information with anyone designated to assist them in an emergency (i.e. faculty member).